Playable Character Species
Cybernetically Enhanced Humans (CYBORGS)
In such a technologically advanced world, Humans experimented with exchange or adding technology onto themselves to enhance abilities that would be limiting to the human physicality. Most popular amongst human’s pre-epidemic was limb replacement, but some are seen with replacement of eyes, ears etc. for better sensory perception.
Costume Requirements:
Robotic looking prosthetics in areas of choice. (e.g.: cybernetic arms/legs. Wiring and metal plates on face. Cybernetics must cover at least half a limb to count. 15% of face coverage for HP bonuses.)
Special Abilities:
Any limb that counts as robotic can be used to shield against a grenade, cancelling the AoE damage of the grenade, at the cost of the Cyborg being sent straight to bleed out. “Shield” must be called out on activation of the ability. The player will require an engineer to repair the limb before the ability and limb can be used again. Cyborgs may have weapons integrated into their prosthetics, these weapons are not counted when the player is looted.
Humanoid Automoton (SYNTH)
The early stages of an Android, Synths were popular to replace humans for menial tasks before the epidemic, or as companions with largely varying AI systems, some have even been uploaded with a human conscious.
Costume Requirements:
50% or more of the player must look synthetic or robotic through the use of prosthetics and high-quality makeup, at least half of which must be prosthetics. Synths also have an RP requirement; the player must act or speak in a way that replicates being robotic in nature.
Special Abilities:
Synths have infinite bleed out time but must be repaired by an engineer (equivalent to medics). Synths may have weapons integrated into their prosthetics, these weapons are not counted when player is looted. Synths are immune to the effects of all chemist concoctions.
Humans who weren’t lucky enough to have full immunity. Mutants are those who have caught the Daemon virus, gaining boons like thick skin and faster healing time, but at the cost of their own appearance, but not enough to fully turn. Most humans are wary of Mutants, due to the similarities in appearance to stage 1 daemons
Costume Requirements:
Sickly and/or repulsive appearance indicative of mutation beyond normal humanity. Suggested Costume Elements include; discoloured or clammy pale skin, prominent red veins, black around orifices + fingertips. Blood from tear ducts, nose and mouth, reddening eyes.
Special Abilities:
Any exposed 'mutated' skin shown counts as armor* (*Armor does not stack)